Hi @Scholtz, no need to whitelist in mainnet, if there are pools in Tinyman, Pact or Humble with TVL >= $1000 these will be considered, then a path will be created for that asset
We plan to launch today with >= $1000… I would like to have the folks router availability from the start.
Tokens have been already verified by Pera:
https://asa.gold/gold.pdf, https://asa.gold/dao.pdf
Twitter announcment:
We are launching liqidity at approx 8PM today… do you think you could enable it before or shortly after please?
Liquidity is in Pact.Fi
~2k USD worth of VoteCoin vs 32 g of gold
~1k EURS vs 17 g of gold
~1890 GoldDAO vs 30 g of gold
~1500 GoldDAO vs 1500 USDC
There is no “whitelisting” on mainnet, pools are added automatically, the pools you specified become available after they have been added to the Pact API and meet the $1000 TVL requirement
Hi, we got new error, started to show up today…
{"message": "Internal server error"}
The fetch from ASA.Gold - Real gold tokenized returns cors error because when you throw this internal server error you do not provide cors headers…
Can you fix it please?
Hi, the server went down temporarily but it should now be fixed. We are looking into the cause to prevent it from happening again in the future