Please be more inclusive.
I appreciate you thinking about the communities at all. You could definitely just have ignored them.
However, with this competition. It was definitely geared towards projects with higher TVL already.
That’s why you are seeing the winners here this round as some of the projects with the largest TVL on algorand.
Why is this? Its because they have more slush money they can simply move around to win a competition like this.
In such case a smaller tvl project like Crescendo or TacoCoin with a tvl of 20k and 13k respectively are not equipped to compete with projects like akita and chips with tvls nearing 200k and 1 million respectively.
No rocks being thrown at them of course. They are just playing by the rules set forth in this first round of competition.
I would hope you be more inclusive to smaller tvl projects because those small grass-roots projects bring real value as well.
Not just the larger tvl projects.
A 5k -10k algo reward for a project with 1 million TVL will help the project but it will greatly help the project with smaller tvl grow to hopefully become a larger tvl project someday.
Please don’t just think about the larger tvl projects. I understand the higher tvl the higher tvl comes to gAlgo and the higher tvl gAlgo has in liquidity.
But if you want to truly hold a community coin competition be ((more)) inclusive not less.
Don’t just help the larger projects become even larger but help the smaller projects have a chance to come up a bit and have some extra funds to innovate within the community and bring more people into folks finance and blockchain.
If Crescendo or a smaller project ever gets any type of small grant funding or community funds i guarantee you will see some amazing stuff happen because of it.
Being more inclusive is always better than being less inclusive.
Next round give the smaller projects a better shot at competing.