Hello Folks,
In August the Folks Finance community treasury received a share of the TINY airdrop allocation. Community voted to lock it into the governance for a 4 years locking period. FF community requested to use the voting power to boost the lending pools with $TINY token
Please comment on how you would like voting power to be distributed (in %). Here is the Tinyman governance portal
Note: The voting power allocation will not be changed in the short/medium term unless there is a new significant asset (e.g. xALGO) that the community wishes to boost or an extraordinary event occurs.
The voting power will be allocated entirely to lending pools.
This thread will be used for future changes
I split my $TINY 50-50 between the algo/galgo pool and the falgo/fgalgo pool. Those matter to me the most - gives galgo more importance. Not sure if g13 will happen or not, but if it doesn’t and we move to consensus, this will be a good sendoff for galgo.