New listing: wAVAX and wSOL


This publication is intended to give the community an overview of the decision to add wAVAX and wSOL to Folks Finance


wAVAX (Wormhole) is a bridged version of AVAX on Algorand. AVAX is the native currency of the Avalanche blockchain.

wSOL (Wormhole) is a bridged version of SOL on Algorand. SOL is the native currency of the Solana blockchain

Adding wAVAX and wSOL to Folks Finance is a strategic move that can boost growth, innovation, and community engagement. It highlights the protocol’s commitment to expanding its reach across multiple blockchain ecosystems and striving to make DeFi more accessible and easier


The addition of wAVAX and wSOL to Folks Finance represents a strategic move in broadening its reach and influence within the DeFi ecosystem. Here are a some motivations:

  1. Gathering New Liquidity:
  • Attracting Capital: Folks Finance aims to attract capital from those holding AVAX and SOL, thereby increasing the total locked-in value (TVL) in the protocol.
  • Asset Diversification: Listing wAVAX and wSOL add to the range of assets available on Folks Finance, providing users with more choices and diversification options. Liquidity providers can benefit from new investment opportunities for their strategies and other products that could be developed using wAVAX and wSOL. Traders and investors can create more complex and tailored investment strategies, leveraging wAVAX and wSOL in combination with other assets on the platform.
  1. Listing a Native Asset of Another Chain:
  • Cross-Chain Interoperability: This move highlights the effort to bridge different blockchain ecosystems. By embracing the Avalanche and Solana community, Folks Finance is taking a step toward cross-chain DeFi, enabling seamless interaction between different blockchain networks.
  • Community Engagement: Involving the Avalanche and Solana community will lead to attracting new users and potential partnerships.
  1. Long-Term Goals Alignment:
  • Algorand x Chains: This aligns with the vision of Folks Finance to connect Algorand with other chains


Ticker: wAVAX(Wormhole)

ASA ID: 893309613

Parameter Value
Collateral Factor 65%
Borrow Factor 100%
Liquidation Max 50%
Liquidation Bonus 10%
Liquidation Fee 10%
Collateral Cap ($) 50,000
Variable Base Rate (RV0) 0%
Variable Slope 1 Rate (RV1) 7.5%
Variable Slope 2 Rate (RV2) 200%
Stable Additional Base Rate (RS0) 1%
Stable Slope 1 Rate (RS1) 1%
Stable Slope 2 Rate (RS2) 200%
Stable Excess Rate (RS3) 35%
Optimal Utilisation Ratio (Uopt) 55%
Optimal Stable to Total Debt Ratio (Oratio) 20%
Rebalance Up Utilisation Ratio (URU) 90%
Rebalance Up Deposit Interest Rate Percentage (DIRRU) 55%
Rebalance Down Delta (RD) 20%
Retention Rate (RR) 10%
Flash Loan Fee 0.1%
Borrow Cap ($) 50,000
Single Stable Borrow Percentage Cap 5.5%

Ticker: wSOL (Wormhole)

ASA ID: 887648583

Parameter Value
Collateral Factor 65%
Borrow Factor 100%
Liquidation Max 50%
Liquidation Bonus 10%
Liquidation Fee 10%
Collateral Cap ($) 50,000
Variable Base Rate (RV0) 0%
Variable Slope 1 Rate (RV1) 7.5%
Variable Slope 2 Rate (RV2) 200%
Stable Additional Base Rate (RS0) 1%
Stable Slope 1 Rate (RS1) 1%
Stable Slope 2 Rate (RS2) 200%
Stable Excess Rate (RS3) 35%
Optimal Utilisation Ratio (Uopt) 55%
Optimal Stable to Total Debt Ratio (Oratio) 20%
Rebalance Up Utilisation Ratio (URU) 90%
Rebalance Up Deposit Interest Rate Percentage (DIRRU) 55%
Rebalance Down Delta (RD) 20%
Retention Rate (RR) 10%
Flash Loan Fee 0.1%
Borrow Cap ($) 50,000
Single Stable Borrow Percentage Cap 5.5%

Is there any reason why not add WMATIC too? Or do you have initial liquidity providers only for these two?

what happens if solana has one of its “we are currently offline” problems tho? imho the collateral factor should be way lower as it is adding significant risks

it doesn’t matter if Solana is down. Tokens are bridged so no effect on bridged tokens. can be traded on Algorand DEXes. Or what do you mean? I think collateral factor should be lower if liquidity on pools is poor. and when liquidity is deeper, then collateral factor can be higher.

solana down could have a price affect so we need serious liquidity on chain to allow for safe liquidations. if its not down people could liquidate and bridge then back to solana to swap on there for example

that is true. I think they will have some liquidity provider to offer initial liquidity (or at least I really hope so) and like they say, borrow cap is 50k$.

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hey roam, MATIC is going to be replaced by a new token (POL) in their Polygon 2.0 vision

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Hey lobo, recent downtimes have not significantly affected the Sol’s price. Current parameters are conservative. All the wrapped assets will be in the lending pools with incentives on top of them